Sea Eagle 285FPB Frameless Inflatable Pontoon Boat Deluxe Package
$99.00 ( In Stock ) ( left ) ( out of stock )
Sea Eagle 285FPB Inflatable Frameless Poonton Boats are roomy, lightweight, ultra-portable, pack into a small bag, and can be stowed in small spaces. The unique U-hull configuration of this one man fishing boat provides the maximum fishing space with the least amount of hull weight. It can be used two ways - rowed with the included oars or fully rigged, with motor mount for small gas or electric engines. The wooden floorboard provides stable and ample standing area for casting and the pedestal swivel seat turns 360° for the perfect view of your surroundings. Weighing only 59 lbs, with the floorboard, swivel seat and motormount, this is a super lightweight, super portable fishing craft. Because they have no frames they pack down small and light and because they don't require a trailer you can carry them to the most remote hard to reach locations where fish hide most!
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