Better Homes & Gardens- White Medium Oval Galvanized Tub BH24100108683F9, 20.27 in L x 11.22 in W x 5.7 in H
$4.99 ( In Stock ) ( left ) ( out of stock )
Upgrade your decor with the Better Homes & Gardens White Galvanized Medium Oval Tub BH24100108683F9, size 20.27 IN L x 11.22 IN W x 5.7 IN H. Whether you use this for storage, creating decorative display arrangements, as a party tub to hold packaged snacks, or as an ice bucket for beverages, function meets fashion with endless possibilities. The ribbed detailing and white finish of the tub offer eye-catching appeal, matches and complements most decor styles with ease. The plastic rattan handles add a relaxed, resort-style element to the overall look while providing easy grips for you to carry from room to room — what a style score.
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